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Rimmo - more than real estate

We are convinced that the term 'real estate agency' is more than just the sale or leasing of an object. For this reason, we also try much more than just to offer the transfer of real estate: our goal is to be at your side as a competent partner in every phase of the realization of your dream home.

Whether you are looking for your new home or want to sell your property - thanks to our 10 years of experience, we can not only guarantee you great visibility and reach in italy and abroad, but also use our market knowledge and valuable contacts to the most respected professionals in the field to your advantage.

Our many years of experience has also made it clear to us that the trusting and professional approach to the customer is the basis for any good business relationship. Every day, we try to put our requirements into practice, because only fair cooperation can lead to the satisfaction of all parties.

We look forward to assisting you in the realization of your dreams!

Rimmo Real Estate

Via Innsbruck 29 - 39100 Bolzano

tel +39 0471 982 844 - info@rimmo.it - VAT ID 02980260216

tel +39 333 993 5635 - tuscany@rimmo.it - VAT ID 03240880215

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